Frequently Asked Questions regarding Concert Travel

Concert Travel’s goal is to provide an easy, reliable and cost effective service to concerts, festivals and sporting events. We aim to take care of all the hassle associated with getting to major events.

Here are some Frequently Asked Questions:

If your answer isn’t here – please email and we will be happy to help!

What time do you leave after the Event?

We depart immediately after the event finishes – as soon as everyone is back on board. Most concerts finish at 22:30, in which case we will be on the road by 23:00

Can we go for a drink after the event?

N0 – bus departs immediately after the event.

Can we have a drink on the bus?

No. No alcohol is permitted on board our buses.

What happens if I get lost?

We do everything in our power to ensure you get back to the bus. If your phone is turned on, we will ring you and guide you back. If your phone is off there is nothing we can do. We will wait a reasonable amount of time but we will have to leave. ALWAYS ENSURE YOUR PHONE IS TURNED ON.

Is my child safe onboard?

We recommend adult supervision for anyone younger than 16. We do everything in our power to provide a safe environment for all ages – we do not permit alcohol, drugs or intimidating behaviour onboard.

Where will the bus be after the event?

Whenever possible, we collect at the same location where we drop you off. For The O2 Arena, we have our designated parking area on North Wall Quay. For Oxegen, we have our own parking bays in the coach parking area. Other venues will vary – please call 061 384422 for more info closer to the event date.

How many passengers do you need to make a service work?

We require a minimum of 10 passengers to guarantee the service will go ahead. However, we will always do our very best to ensure our valued passengers are not let down.

Anything else? Please email or call us on 061 384422